Frequently asked Questions and Answers

Deutsche Version
Is the Webhosting Service free of charge?

As we provide professional hosting with individual Support, we can not do it for free, but for a small fee.
We accept payments through a number of ways, but most important and easy way, is to use PAYPAL with a Credit Card through the secure server by
For Swiss Members we accept also transfers through Postal account.
Internationally we accept also BankTransfers or BankChecks if transfer is not possible through other means.


What do I have to do, to get webspace for my nice pages ?

You have come to the right place. The Simple System Internet Website Hosting Services

The first step is, that you click on the Link of the menu on the left, so you will see the Form you have to fill out to start getting your webspace. Please provide only correct information or we might ignore the submission.

What's next? - Check your email for Instructions!
If you entered the correct email address, then you got the email with a UserCode and a UserPass. Now go click on the Link of the menu on the left. Now enter the UserCode and the Pass and click on [LOGIN]. If it was correct, you see "Your Name, welcome to the SSIS Profile Manager" in the Title and below your User-information you entered when you signed-up.
What should I do after I loged in?

At the left top corner you see a link called <<Change your loginpass>> and it's a good idea to use it. Please provide at least 6 diffrent letters and/or numbers!

  • Scroll down and you see a number of blue fields talking about Profiles.. Now you have to decide if you have your own fully qualified domain registered (eg. => Profile Type I
    So, if your domain is type in the text box and press [Add new ProfileDomain]. To configure the details click on the blue link with the name and you will get to a second page.. More about that here!

  • Or you have a Top-level domain but you only want to redirect it ( eg. the domain points to the url ) => Profile Type II

  • Although if you do not happen to have your own domain, that's not a problem, coz here you can have and you will get as an email address. => Profile Type III

  • If you need only an email address, then you can add an email-only profile ! => Profile IV
I have created a Profile but where can I add the Details?

If you have a Profile Type IV, there are no details to configure.

If you have Profile Type III, you are directed to the details page right after the adding of the profile and the email, the ftp and the webaccount have been added automatically.. ( no need to change anything) just grab the details by clicking on the links.

For Profile Type II, you have the same as Profile Type III , but no email is added for the ( you can do so, now if you need it ) or you can use your redirection service to setup email. An addition is, that at the domain details page you don't have only but also a line with your domain eg. with the type Redirected. At the left side of that entry you see a number as a link, click on it to see the domain details eg. the registrar, the IP, the DNS servers.. that's only informative..

The Profile Type I, is for the users who have registered their own domain and want us to host everything. You can add a lot of details in the next pages, so read on..

I have decided to get a Top Level Domain, how can I set it up?

Great, you have decided to jump into the middle of the Internet. First you need to make sure that the domain is still available unless you have allready registered it!

For .com, .net, .org and many other domains go to

Enter a name eg. verynice and click on search, it will display a list of domainnames and show if it's available or not. Decide wich domain you like, and click on the checkbox either on the left side.. for the domains with the exact word you entered or the checkboxes to the rightside of th suggestions - chart. Now click on the Add to Chart Button.

After that, on the new page click on the button Check out now you should know that the domain is available and the next step is to actually register it. You can use any Registrar but I suggest that you use! So, click on the button Click Here to continue which will open a new page. If you're not yet a member you should click the regular application form.Then enter a username and a password and fellow the rest of the instructions. For placing the actual order you need a Creditcard (VISA or MasterCard)

If you want a domain other than .com .net or .org you should find a local Registrar eg for Swiss domains. Important is, that you add the DNS servers:

Please use the New DNS Servers for DNSMADEEASY.COM

Here are the OLD DNS servers for MYDOMAIN.COM

Note, that some Registrars request the DNS server to be ready before they can delegate the domain to those DNS servers. If that's the case you should add the Domain to your webadmin section on before registering and tell me, that you want that domain so I can configure the DNS servers.. and after around 42 hours you should be able to delegate the domain to the DNS servers. After your successful Registration I will set the domain up on my webserver, ftpserver and mailserver.
NOTE: This process is not done automatically but checked manually!

How do I handle the details of my Fully Qualified Domain?

The details page ( after you click on the domain-link ) as described in the answer to What should I do after I loged in? Note that all of the Accounts are to be setup manually on the servers, so they can not be ready minutes after the sign-up or adding of them.

Here we have three sections: The Email accounts, The FTP accounts and the Web accounts

  • For an Email address enter a <<name>> then select the <<domain>>, enter the password and click on [Add New Email]. The Emailstatus will be set to init. Meaning, that the account has been added but is not yet ready to use, as I have to manually add it to the mailserver. I will set the state to ready, when it should be ready to use. The link with your email address will lead you to the details page.

  • For an FTP account simply enter a <<name>> ( the main account is suggested to set as the nickname you entered at sign-up) then select the <<domain>> and click on the [Add New FTP]. Note that the name should have at least 4 letters! The password for the account will be generated automatically and can not be changed! The FTPStatus will be set to init and I'll be adding the account to the FTP server the next days. Check back later to see if it's set to ready. To use the ftp account you need an ftp client like the WS_FTP, the FTPexplorer or CuteFTP and you should copy/paste the ftppassword to avoid typeing errors. When you click on the ftpusername you will get a pop-up window with your details.

  • For a WEB account you would normally want to add the hostname www, so you get but you can also add other hostnames such as although this means additional work.
  • You should also choose the correct setting for your type of homepages. The IIS 5.0 has ASP-Support in conjunction with MS Accessdatabase ideal for dynamic content.
  • We have added support for advanced users.
  • When you click on the hostname-link you get to the WebAccount Details where you can also add so called webadds, which means aliases to diffrent folders. Redirections or cgi-bin executable folders. Examples of WebAdds are
    Type Virtual Actual Profiletype
    Root /test \\test III
    Alias /test \ II
    Redirect II
    cgi-bin /cgi-bin \\cgi-bin I
    cgi-bin /test/cgi-bin \\test\cgi-bin III
Where can I get more help?

If you need help with anything concerning the webhosting just send an email to or if you are a member use the webadmin Message System!

The Administration Members of The Complex Technology keep the right to
modify or delete any account or file on the server at any time!

We do NOT provide any private information details to anybody outside The Complex Technology!

What do I have to do to cancel my account?

All members who want to close a profile or account need to contact us via the Feedbackform telling, the UserCode and the ProfileID and the Parts they want to close!

The fees are to be paid until the end of the closeing action, which takes around 1-2 days for websites and can be longer for fully qualified domains, as the members have to modify the DNS servers at the Registrar in order to move the domain out of our servers!

After 25 days from the Billing date on, the payment is checked. When the fees have not been paid by then, the NON-PAID site is setup on your profile and FTP access is closed. Another 30 days later the profile is beeing removed inclusively Statistics and all site files. Unmoved Domains are directed to the main site and remain active until the DNS server records are beeing modified or the Domain expires.

If you see the NON-PAID Site on your website, please contact us as soon as possible at to determin the actions to take in order to resume the site.

Copyright © SimpleSystem Internet Services 1999-2025