Hosting Plans - Domain

Domain Hosting
150 mb
100 mb Emailspace
Own direct FTP access

Optional CGI-BIN folder (5 points)
Optional FRONTPAGE 2000 account! (10 points)
Optional additional Email addresses on your domain (4 points)
Optional Co-Webmaster FTP account! (5 points)
Optional Additional MB for your domain! (1 point per 5 MB)
Optional Handle your domain's emails yourself via your own mailserver, or exchange-server!
Optional Let your emails collect & forward to your own email box!

Technical Details
.html, .htm, .shtml HTML Code is the Standard for Websites and includes the ServerSideIncludes technics
.asp Best for dynamic content out of DB's with Active Server Pages
.php, .php3 Also used for dynamic content, mainly on Linux based systems
.cgi, .pl Often used for statistic scripts written in Perl
.css Put your Layout Styles into a .css file, so you can easily change the look of your sites.
.mdb MS Access Databases can be used anywhere in your account
.mid Use MIDI files as backgroundsound
.swf Shockwave Flash media files get your page animated
.rm, .rt, .rpm, .ram, .smi Like a good movie or audio, then have it streamed to your visitors!
.wma, .wmv, .asx, .wmx If you work with MS Media Encoder you can have these files streamed to your visitors!
mySQL DB or MS SQL DB Have your Table loaded to the Server and get a DSN to access it
ASPMail , CDONTS ASP compontent to send out emails. CDONTS work only with Frontpage accounts!